About Us

Velasquez Headshots

Matt Velasquez

BA, San Diego State University
JD, California Western School of Law
USMC Veteran



The Solidus Law mascot
1st in Class, Puppy level 1
1st in Class, Adult Dog level 1

Because meeting with a lawyer shouldn't be scary or overwhelming

Consulting an attorney shouldn’t be an intimidating process. I started this firm because I wanted to provide clients with legal services that are accessible, understandable, and affordable.  During law school, I realized there were plenty of times throughout my life that I should have sought legal counsel for various situations. Yet, I was always scared to even talk to a lawyer because it carried this stigma that I was going to be charged a ridiculous amount of money to even meet with one, let alone get anything done. My goal is to ease any apprehension you may have when seeking legal counsel, while still providing exceptional, responsive service. 

I hope to help change the stigma that dealing with a lawyer means getting billed for every e-mail and conversation, one client at a time.  You shouldn’t be worried about asking your lawyer a simple question. I provide flexible payment options and you will never be billed for something you have not agreed to. All of this starts with a simple conversation.